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  • Yokoe I, Murahata Y, Harada K, Sunden Y, Omata D, Unga J, Suzuki R, Maruyama K, Okamoto Y, Osaki T. A Pilot Study on Efficacy of Lipid Bubbles for Theranostics in Dogs with Tumors. Cancers (Basel). 2020, 12: E2423

  • Okutani M, Kawabata A, Nishimura M, Nagamata S, Kuwabara S, Haseda Y, Munakata L, Suzuki R, Mori Y, Aoshi T., Comprehensive Screening of Mouse T-Cell Epitopes in Human Herpesvirus 6B Glycoprotein H/L/Q1/Q2 Tetramer Complex. J Immunol Res. 2020, 4697529.

  • Shirai S., Kawai A., Shibuya M., Munakata L., Omata D., Suzuki R. Yoshioka Y., Lipid Nanoparticle Acts as a Potential Adjuvant for Influenza Split Vaccine without Inducing Inflammatory Responses, Vaccines  (Basel). 2020, 8(3): E433

  • Omata D, Unga J, Suzuki R, Maruyama K. Lipid-based microbubbles and ultrasound for therapeutic application.) Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2020, S0169-409X(20)30081-8

  • Omata D, Hagiwara F, Munakata L, Shima T, Kageyama S, Suzuki Y, Azuma T, Takagi S, Seki K, Maruyama K, Suzuki R. Characterization of Brain-Targeted Drug Delivery Enhanced by a Combination of Lipid-Based Microbubbles and Non-Focused Ultrasound. J Pharm Sci., 2020, 109: 2827-2835

  • Wang B, Hara K, Kawabata A, Nishimura M, Wakata A, Tjan LH, Poetranto AL, Yamamoto C, Haseda Y, Aoshi T, Munakata L, Suzuki R, Komatsu M, Tsukamoto R, Itoh T, Nishigori C, Saito Y, Matozaki T, Mori Y., Tetrameric glycoprotein complex gH/gL/gQ1/gQ2 is a promising vaccine candidate for human herpesvirus 6B., PLoS Pathog. 2020, 16: e1008609

  • Shirai S, Shibuya M, Kawai A, Tamiya S, Munakata L, Omata D, Suzuki R, Aoshi T, Yoshioka Y. Lipid Nanoparticles Potentiate CpG-Oligodeoxynucleotide-Based Vaccine for Influenza Virus. Front Immunol, 2020, 10, 3018

  • Haseda Y, Munakata L, Meng J, Suzuki R, Aoshi T. Microfluidic-prepared DOTAP nanoparticles induce strong T-cell responses in mice. PLoS One. 2020, 15, e0227891

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